Why preschool is better than day-care?

When it comes to preschool and day-care there is a vast difference between the two. Preschool programs can be defined as more of learning-oriented and are often based on a certain approach to teaching meant for children before they are enrolled in the formal schooling system. Preschools usually accept children ages two to five-plus age groups though it tends to vary from one preschool to another. Whereas in Daycare in Bangalore centres are mostly designed for children in a way to cater to the needs of working parents, they tend to open early and close late. Kids, from tiny infants to grade-schoolers, are welcome at day-care centres. Sometimes this day-care also include preschools but not necessarily always. 

From learning, perspective Preschool provides an environment for children to explore. Children gain a lot from going to preschool because they become familiar with numbers, alphabets, colours and shapes there. Apart from that more importantly, they develop social and emotional skills and learn how to get along with other people be it, peers or teachers, learn to share and to contribute. Even it is found out that children who attend preschool enter formal schooling with much better pre-reading skills, richer vocabularies, and stronger mathematical skills than those who do not. With the passage of time, they start gaining a sense of self, play with peers and build self-confidence. Many parents feel sceptical while sending their children to kids preschool, as they feel home-schooling can also fulfil the same need. But if you take a closer look home-schooling can only give an academic head start, but not acquiring of the social skillset which is of utmost importance in future in a structured societal setting. All things considered; it can be concluded that kids preschool is always a better option for children which will enable them to start with the right note from the beginning.


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